Tuesday, October 20, 2009


It's a beautiful, cool day, I had just finished walking the pond and photographing some of my lingering Meadowhawks. My battery lost its' charge, and I was walking back to the cabin. I had past a large stack of bricks, and was admiring a Meadowhawk soaking up the warmth from the bricks. That was when I saw this partial dragonfly. I bent down to it, thinking the dragon was surely half-eaten and a goner...when to my surprise it flew away! I spun around and watched this disabled dragonfly...fly. Most times when my battery has lost it's charge, I can turn the camera on and off again, and it will allow me one or two more captures. Well, I was lucky and allowed only two. These were quickie shots, no adjustments...the first image is, as is. The second image I added light to view the underside better.
Posted by Picasa As I tried to place my finger in front of this 1/3 dragonfly to see if it would climb aboard, it took off. Can't say that I blame it, especially if its' demise was to due a predator...which is likely. Yet, I wonder if it is possible to have been born in such a state and adjusted accordingly, which I would highly doubt possible. I'm keeping an eye out for this Meadowhawk in the next few days that remain in my dragonfly season...curious to see if it survived any longer. In any case, it was something else to see and sad at the same time.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Let me just say....Confusion reigns my brain!! Just when I think, I've got it....I don't! I really need to study my guide book more...I just wanted to start posting my dragons since I haven't posted all summer. This whole I.D. process is very difficult for me(must be getting old), frustrating as well. I truly would hate to give out the wrong identification.

Update...Many thanks to Larry in providing the correct I.D. for me.

The first two photos are an inmature male Common Green Darner.

The next four photos are of a male Black-Tipped Darner.

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Common Green Darner-female
Shadow Darner-female
Green-Striped Darner-female
Black-tipped Darner-female

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DARNERS...1 Black-Tipped Darner

Female Black-Tipped Darner ovipositing in cattails growing in the shallow end of the pond.

Many thanks to Larry for providing this corrected I.D.!

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009


The largest of our local dragonflies are of the Darner family. Here is a female teneral Common Green Darner which I was fortunate to find resting on my Hydrangea tree next to the pond.

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