Sunday, October 26, 2008


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Amila Salgado said...

The backround colours help the dragonflies to pop out well in these pictures. Beautiful captures, Spookydragonfly. Glad you broke the silence...!

spookydragonfly said...

Hi Gallicissa...These were a few photos from summer. I'm going to add a few of my stock photos from this past year, just so I can refer back next year, without having to go through all of my photos. What about the old saying...Silence is Golden?! I just devoted a little more time to my main blog, which is more a personal journal of what brings me calm here in the woods. I enjoy painting, so when the snow falls, instead of being out with the dragons(and this computer), I'll be focusing on my canvas.

So much for silence, huh?!

Amila Salgado said...

Hi Spookydragonfly,
Having some stock photos from summer to last the dragonless winter makes a lot of sense! I'd like to add a link to your main blog, but I have already used your interesting nom de plume to link to this blog! Do you think I should change this to something like Dragons of Wishnik Woods and use Spookydragonfly for the other?

I look forward to explore your main blog.

spookydragonfly said...

Hello Gallicissa...You make me laugh! What?!..Don't like my "nom de plume"?? Well, this blog is titled Damsels and Dragons of Wishnik main blog is titled WISHNIK WOODS. Thanks for showing interest in my don't be copying all of my amatuer photos!!!(ha-ha!)Seriously, you do have outstanding photographs of wildlife!

Amila Salgado said...

My question was because I felt it would be 'right' to use the link text: "Spookydragonfly" with an appropriate sounding URL:

But I have solved these burning issues by retaining the link text: "Spookydragonfly" to link to this blog and used "Wishnik Woods" to link to your main blog.

spookydragonfly said...

Hi Gallicissa...That's fine, I appreciate the links! That really is an interesting find...on your last post!

JRandSue said...

The word is outstanding,great images. love it lots.

JRandSue said...

Great Blog I love your stuff.

spookydragonfly said...

Thanks John!...I'm still waiting on my dragons this year. I posted a reply to your last comment, I'm sorry...I have a difficult time reaching some blogs, including yours!(please refer explanation to my guests...on my side bar of my main blog, Wishnik Woods) I appreciate your visits, hopefully soon I'll have something new to post!