Monday, May 18, 2009

2009 SEASON BEGINS...6 damsels and dragons are back, and I'm happy. That was the good news, now the bad news...remember I ordered a book on I.D. towards the end of summer? I had every intention of studying that book front to back...all winter! Yep, you guessed it, I barely touched it. I haven't even attempted to I.D. any of my captures, yet. I thought I'd post what I do have to show before I get too far behind.

This post took 8 hours of transferring my photographs....there is no rhyme or reason in each individual post. Photos that I had grouped together .....separated out of order. I finally gave in, my apologies for this random order. This post #6 are my most current captures and then so on back towards the beginning of the season...April. The Springtime Darners were the first to appear, I was unable to photograph them. You will see a female darner depositing her eggs on and around a lily pad as you head back in these posts.

OOOPS!...couldn't resist this close-up!

Posted by Picasa See comments for I.D.


FAB said...

Whow, haven't you been busy capturing all these lovely images for us to enjoy.
The weather over here is pretty aweful; windy & wet, so little chance to go out & find new insect life so thanks for showing yours. Lol FAB

spookydragonfly said...

Hi Frank...It's been an awful wet and windy season here, too. Photographing has been difficult, ha...I'll think the wind's calm and right when I's shot! Last night we had record breaking lows, down to 32 degrees. Tomorrow will be in the low 70's! We have some crazy weather around here. Thanks for visiting!

Randy Emmitt said...

Spooky, a lot of these are baskettails and clubtails. Both hard to learn right off. Check some of my April posts for Common Baskettail

spookydragonfly said...

Hello Randy...I know alot of them are the same. It's so difficult with them being young, too, as they are constantly changing. Thanks for the input...I'm going to check out your April post!

NatureStop said...

We really enjoyed going through your amazing blog.You have captured the pond sequense beautifully.Will be following it:)

spookydragonfly said...

Hello NatureStop...Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed your stay. My followers showed for one day, and now they're gone again. I'm going to attempt to visit your blog. I'm sure you've realized by now, I have alot of problems with posting and loading, and I whine alot about it!

合田學 (上坂眞信)  said...

It is the arrival of the season of the long-awaited dragonfly.
It is you and a dragonfly and a new camera, a wonderful pair.
Affinity matches.

spookydragonfly said...

Hello Pseudothemis...Thank you, my friend. I am just now seeing more dragons. The damsels are so plentiful all around, I feel like I must watch where I walk! I saw my first red damsel, I photographed it and will post soon.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

SD: That is a cool photo of the Darner, same I saw yesterday.

spookydragonfly said...

Hi Fishing Guy...Thanks, yes, 'tis the season...finally! I suppose it's a long awaited fishing season for you!

Unknown said...

Une belle série, très intéressante. thank you for this images :-)

spookydragonfly said...

Hello Cathy...They are interesting little creatures and I can watch them for hours. In the next month or so, my pond and gardens are full of damsels and dragons! Thanks for stopping by and I will try to return the favor. I'm having serious loading issues with some blogs...I hope I make it to yours.

Amila Salgado said...

How irresponsible of you not to study that dragonfly book in winter?

So, what was that book anyway? Let me guess, 'Dragonflies through binoculars'? Also add 'A dazzle of Dragonflies' to you list if you do not have it already. A very good book. And read it.

Looks like you are having a good dragon season in 2009. The quality of photographs are amazingly impressive!

I am pleased to see all this larvae. It is such a pleasurable thing to observe their emerging.

All the best in identifying them! I personally like to se intervals between posts rather than a series like this all published at the same time. Anyway I understand this due to your internet connection issues.

spookydragonfly said...

Hello Amila...I've opened my book again, and have been trying to I.D. (I consider myself scolded!) Still somewhat confused due to the immaturity of my dragons. My "homework book" is Dragonflies and Damselflies of Northeast Ohio.

I'm starting to see more dragons, I'm worried because we have Red-winged Blackbirds nesting in the cattails.

It is amazing watching them emerge...straight from an alien movie.

Sorry about the manner of posts, at this point it seems to be my best option! Need to see more of your home grown dragons!

Geeko said...

Very nice pics indeed. Sorry I won't be much help with ID since those are new world species. However the first two clearly show an Epitheca..

spookydragonfly said...

Hi Geeko...I appreciate any and all input! I'll be checking out my I.D. book, and feel certain that I can I.D one of my dragons...all I have to do is turn the page...and the uncertanity returns. So many subtle differences...I don't feel confident to enough to I.D. Thanks for dropping by and for the I.D!

Ramadhani said...

That's great capture... I am very interesting about your blog. I like your picture very much. Nice to see you.
now I follow your blog.


spookydragonfly said...

Hello Ramadhani...Thank you for visiting. I have many problems loading my images and visiting blogs now. I will have a new post soon. I just love my damsels and dragons, my pond wouldn't be the same without them! I'm off to visit you...hopefully!